Working Hours Monday - Friday 08:00-05:00
Call us at +91-7413-963-916


Water Centric Development

Opening Times
Monday - Friday: 09:00 - 05:00
Swasthya Gram Head Office
Mankapur, Gonda - 271302
Customer Service

Swasthya gram try to solve the issues of the rural and underpreviliged areas by meeting with the head of the village and then contacting with the concerned NGO and try to resolve the issue as soon as possible Through our immediate action on the issue we try to save people from diseases.

Swasthya gram try to solve the issues of the rural and underprivileged areas by meeting with the head of the village and then contacting with the concerned NGO and try to resolve the issue as soon as possible. Through our immediate action on the issue we try to save people from diseases. Swasthya gram visits various villages for improving the condition of the people living in rural and underprivileged area. We try to solve the problem of water of the villages.