Working Hours Monday - Friday 08:00-05:00
Call us at +91-7413-963-916


Child Welfare

Opening Times
Monday - Friday: 09:00 - 05:00
Swasthya Gram Head Office
Mankapur, Gonda - 271302
Customer Service

Predicting which patients with suicidal thoughts will go on to attempt suicide cannot be achieved with a high degree of sensitivity, to understand the mental state of a patient one has to console that patient, speciall when he is child.Swasthya gram focuses on the mental health and education of the children of rural and underprivileged area. We try to understand the psycology of children in these areas to help them do good in life. Regular counselling sessions with professionals to provide Mental Health Education, Gender Enducation and overall development of the children of underprivileged area. Swasthya gram is linked with various NGO's which works for the health and development of the children of rural and underprivileged areas. We try to provide all the important nutrients which are needed for the development of the children and also tries to provide better education to poor children.

Our vision is to develop interventions that address a wide range of youth health needs (reproductive and sexual health, mental health, substance abuse, nutrition, etc.), implement these intervention packages using various modes of delivery, and evaluate their impact. Through various programmes, our specialists have trained peers, teachers and lay-counsellors to enable adolescents take charge of their health.

  • Training lay people, whom we refer to as health counsellors, to deliver psychosocial treatments for depression in adults attending primary healthcare centres
  • Training lay people or teachers, whom we refer to as school health counsellors, to deliver a package of interventions to promote the health and educational outcomes of adolescents in schools
  • Integrating learning resource rooms and remedial education in mainstream schools to promote inclusive education for children with learning disabilities
  • Training community outreach workers to promote the mental health of people living with Stress