Working Hours Monday - Friday 08:00-05:00
Call us at +91-7413-963-916


Primary Healthcare/Community Service

Opening Times
Monday - Friday: 09:00 - 05:00
Swasthya Gram Head Office
Mankapur, Gonda - 271302
Customer Service

We also provide a very reliable Primary Healthcare and Community Services to our patients residing in the rural areas where doctors are still not easy to reach in emergency cases.Maintaining standards set by the GOI, we ensure that these Services are provided 24×7 all throughout the day and night and this is why we hire local paramedical staff from the same village. We maintain a strong fleet of staff that can reach your door-step as soon as you need them. The para medical staff we hire are the ladies residing in the same village and has done some of their education in the field on nursing (ANM or GNM courses) This helps us to reach out more patients in need, specially the females. We have witnessed that the females residing in rural areas hesitate to tell the issues they are having in front of doctors or any medical camp staff. Since our staff is familier with them. they feel safe and can discusss about the issues they are facing openly.

We also encourage people to stay healthy and know how to stay healthy through our Community Health program. This program enable people to exercise collectively their responsibilities to their own health and to demand health as their rights.