Working Hours Monday - Friday 08:00-05:00
Call us at +91-7413-963-916


Aims & Objective

Opening Times
Monday - Friday: 09:00 - 05:00
Swasthya Gram Head Office
Mankapur, Gonda - 271302
Customer Service
  • To develop the skills of doctors,dentist,student and surgeons and other healthcare professionals through providing them training and education.
  • To provide free medical services in rural,underpreviliged and remote areas.
  • To protect and empower children and females against malnutrition.
  • To provide proper education and training to womens for improvement of their skills in health care activities.
  • To provide medical and other facilities to the people who have faced natural calamity/ or disaster.
  • To open branches,educational institution and healthcare centers, seminars and conferences in delhi.
  • To organise social,culture,educational and skill development programmes.
  • To provide education and knowledge and medical advice to the general public regarding the impact of smoking and alcohaol on health through organing the lecture of expert doctors,jounalist,lawyers and professionals.
  • To assist in development and strengthening of linkages for social development.
  • To provide assistance,education,material,books,aids- financial or non financialfor control of population in rural,remote,ubderpreviliged and other areas.
  • To contruct and provide infrastructure of nursing homes and health care service centres, hospitals in rural area,underpreviliged, reamote and other areas.
  • To provide medical and healthcare service to elder people and socially handicapped,poor and chronic disease patient.